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COMING TUESDAY FEBRUARY 11th. Vist our new location in Tulsa, OK!!

Rental Insurance

What you will need:

Travel Trailer:

Comprehensive and collision insurance is included with a $1000 deductible. You will need to provide proof of insurance on the tow vehicle.


Insure the rental vehicle with your auto insurance, or if a rented motorhome is not covered under your policy you can purchase insurance through MBA Insurance by visiting their site here and type in our policy #303762.

Insurance through MBA will have a $1000 deductible.

Protection Coverage Options (Motorhome Only)

1. If your auto insurance will cover the rented vehicle for liability and physical damage (comprehensive & collision), you can provide Bell Camper Sales with a binder/rider from your insurance company. The binder/rider will need to list the rental vehicle make/model/year/VIN# and list Bell Camper Sales as an additional insured. Each driver will need to provide a separate binder/rider unless they are stated as insured on the same policy as another driver.

2. You can choose to purchase rental insurance through MBA at and use our policy number of #303762. Follow the step-by-step instructions and once complete it will automatically send us the correct insurance information we need.

*For any additional insurance questions please give us a call at 1-800-397-5333 and ask for the rental department.

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